Source code for inline_requests

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import warnings

from functools import wraps
from scrapy.exceptions import ScrapyDeprecationWarning
from six import create_bound_method

from .generator import RequestGenerator
from .utils import get_args

__author__ = 'Rolando Espinoza'
__email__ = 'rolando at'
__version__ = '0.3.1-dev'

__all__ = ['inline_requests']

[docs]def inline_requests(method_or_func): """A decorator to use coroutine-like spider callbacks. Example: .. code:: python class MySpider(Spider): @inline_callbacks def parse(self, response): next_url = response.urjoin('?next') try: next_resp = yield Request(next_url) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception("An error occurred.") return else: yield {"next_url": next_resp.url} You must conform with the following conventions: * The decorated method must be a spider method. * The decorated method must use the ``yield`` keyword or return a generator. * The decorated method must accept ``response`` as the first argument. * The decorated method should yield ``Request`` objects without neither ``callback`` nor ``errback`` set. If your requests don't come back to the generator try setting the flag to handle all http statuses: .. code:: python request.meta['handle_httpstatus_all'] = True """ args = get_args(method_or_func) if not args: raise TypeError("Function must accept at least one argument.") # XXX: hardcoded convention of 'self' as first argument for methods if args[0] == 'self': def wrapper(self, response, **kwargs): callback = create_bound_method(method_or_func, self) genwrapper = RequestGenerator(callback, **kwargs) return genwrapper(response) else: warnings.warn("Decorating a non-method function will be deprecated", ScrapyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1) def wrapper(response, **kwargs): genwrapper = RequestGenerator(method_or_func, **kwargs) return genwrapper(response) return wraps(method_or_func)(wrapper)